Best NFT Marketplaces

The Best NFT Marketplaces

NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens) have revolutionized the way we interact with digital art, music, and other forms of digital media. They offer users a unique way of buying and selling digital works without needing to go through centralized marketplaces or online stores. The NFT market is booming, with more and more people buying and selling these digital items every day. But with so many options to choose from, which one is the best NFT Marketplace?

This article will outline the best nft platforms available to you now. Here’s the Tl;dr version: here are your best nft markets: OpenSea, Rarible, Tate Music Group, Enjin, Decentraland, Uniswap, Kyber Network, SuperRare, Foundation, Makersplace, Binance and Bancor.

For those just starting out in the NFT space, the best marketplace for beginners is likely to be a decentralized exchange. A decentralized exchange allows users to buy and sell digital assets without any centralized third parties involved. They usually offer lower fees and provide a more secure environment for transactions to take place in. The most popular decentralized exchanges for NFTs are Uniswap, Kyber Network, and Bancor.

If you’re an nft collector looking for something more unique, then check out Rarible. It’s a great option for creating, buying, and selling nfts. Similarly, Tate Music Group is the premier platform for trading music nfts. And if you’re interested in gaming nfts, Enjin and Decentraland are two of the best NFT marketplaces. Read on for more details on each of the NFT marketplaces below.

If you’re looking for NFT music Marketplaces check out the article 11 of the Best Music NFT Marketplaces.

opensea nft marketplace


OpenSea is widely considered to be the best NFT Marketplace for both buying and selling NFTs. It’s one of the largest NFT marketplaces offering a wide variety of unique items ranging from NFT art, music, and gaming items. What sets OpenSea apart from other NFT marketplaces is its user-friendly interface and robust tools for creating, managing, and selling digital assets. It also offers a safe and secure environment for transactions to take place, making it one of the most secure NFT marketplaces currently available.

Launched in 2017, Opensea has become one of the largest NFT marketplaces active today. It hosts many types of NFTs, including art, music, photography, trading cards and virtual worlds.

The core cryptocurrencies used on OpenSea are Ethereum, Solana, and USDC. There are over 150 different payment tokens accepted, but you can’t use fiat currencies like U.S. dollars or euros.

Other than this small barrier to entry, OpenSea is very user-friendly for beginners. You can set up an account for free within minutes and start browsing NFTs immediately, and you can even create NFTs on their platform.

OpenSea charges a fee equal to 2.5% of every transaction. You must also pay the gas fee for completing NFT transactions with Ethereum. (Gas fees are the transaction fees paid to miners). If you’re looking to avoid the gas fee, you can buy and sell NFTs with Polygon. But you’ll need to ensure that the NFT item of interest displays the Polygon logo.

OpenSea is a solid choice for beginners looking to get started with a straightforward marketplace and who want as many options as possible for NFTs. One of the top nft marketplaces.

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binance nft marketplace


Binance, one of the world’s largest cryptocurrency exchanges, launched Binance NFT marketplace in 2021. The Binance nft platform offers assets like digital art, gaming items and collectibles. Binance has a distinct advantage over its competitors with low fees (1%) and user-friendly technology built using similar layouts as their exchange. 

Additionally, it runs on its own blockchain which gives them further advantages over other nft platforms.

Rarible Nft Markertplace


Rarible is a popular nft marketplace for buying and selling art, collectibles, video game assets and NFTs. It accepts payments in Ethereum, Flow and Tezos with a 1% fee on both buying and selling nfts. Rarible also has its own native token called RARI which allows holders to vote on company decisions.

In 2021 Rarible announced a partnership with Adobe to make it easier to verify digital content metadata including NFTs. With access to a large network and solid connections combined with its decentralized mindset, Rarible is one of the top nft marketplaces to buy and sell nfts.

axie infinity Nft Markertplace

Axie Marketplace

Axie Marketplace is an online shop for the video game Axie Infinity, where players can buy and train mythical creatures called “Axies” to compete against other players. 

On Axie Marketplace, users can purchase new Axies as well as entire lands and items in the form of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). 

The tokens used within the game are known as “Axie Shards,” which are built on Ethereum’s blockchain technology. 

These shards may be bought or sold on various NFT marketplaces and cryptocurrency exchanges such as Coinbase Global (NASDAQ:COIN).

async music nft marketplace

Async Art

Async Art is an art movement built on blockchain technology, allowing users to create, collect and trade programmable artwork. 

The artwork consists of Masters – 1/1 edition pieces – as well as Layers which are the individual components that make up each Master image. 

Artists can select parameters for their art and grant exclusive control over any aspect to collectors. Examples include changing the state of a background or colour of a sky.  

Since February 2020 there has been $6M in bid volume on the platform with over $1.5M in artist sales generated from it so far.


Portion is an online marketplace that facilitates the sale, investment and ownership of art and collectibles through Blockchain technology.

It offers a global network of decentralized artists to join its Artist Community. 

Portion Tokens are ERC-20 assets on Ethereum Blockchain which can be used to govern and vote on the platform’s future as well as for liquidity mining, artist grants, partnerships etc. When new NFTs are created by artists they receive 500 PRT each in form of Portion Tokens.

lava labs nft marketplace

Lava Labs / Crypto Punks

Larva Labs is best known for their CryptoPunks NFT project, which went viral in 2017 when it was given away for free.

Some of the CryptoPunks have since sold for millions of dollars on third-party marketplaces.

In addition to the CryptoPunks, Larva Labs also has other digital art projects such as Autoglyphs and Ethereum blockchain-based app development projects. 

The company’s built-in marketplace offers bids on Meebits directly from Larva Labs itself.

enjin music nft marketplace


Enjin NFT Marketplace is an online platform that enables users to explore and trade blockchain assets. 

It features Enjin-powered blockchain projects, such as game item collections, gamified reward programs, community-created collectibles and NFTs from companies like Binance and Swissborg.

To date, it has enabled $43.8 million of Enjin Coin to be spent on digital assets with 2.1 billion NFTs traded; 832K items have been exchanged in total using the Enjin Wallet for easy listing and purchase of gaming items or collectibles.

Atomic market nft marketplace

Atomic Market

AtomicMarket is a shared liquidity NFT marketplace smart contract used by multiple websites.

It utilizes the Atomic Assets standard for non-fungible tokens on eosio blockchain technology. 

Users can list their own NFTs for sale and browse existing listings, with well-known collections receiving verification checkmarks and malicious ones being blacklisted.

Bakery Swap

BakerySwap is a decentralized exchange (DEX) and automated market maker (AMM) on the Binance Smart Chain (BSC). It uses the native BakerySwap token, BAKE. 

BakerySwap offers various DeFi services as well as a crypto launchpad and NFT supermarket. 

The NFT supermarket hosts digital art, meme competitions, games that can be paid for in BAKE tokens with bonus tokens available through ‘combo meals’. 

Minting and selling artwork is also possible via the platform with an easy process to follow.

Known Origin

KnownOrigin is a platform that enables creators to showcase and sell their digital artwork securely to collectors who value authenticity.

The Ethereum blockchain provides security for the marketplace, ensuring all artworks are authentic and truly unique. 

Creators can submit jpg or Gif files of their artwork which will be stored on IPFS (InterPlanetary File System).


Decentraland is a VR world created on the Ethereum blockchain, making it a safe and reliable NFT marketplace. 

Users can acquire virtual properties, wearables, art, and names stored in smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain.

The Decentraland Marketplace allows users to create their own assets that they can list for sale or trade. 

It has an easy-to-use Builder tool to help with creating avatars and 3D scenes.  

Tokens are designed to have same worth as real-world counterparts allowing them greater transferability than other marketplaces offer.

superrare nft marketplace


SuperRare is a high-end, exclusive NFT art marketplace that positions itself as an art gallery that only accepts certain types of artwork. It doesn’t accept “Meme NFTs”.

Investors can be confident in the quality and exclusivity of an nft due to SuperRare’s rigorous review process before art is approved for sale. 

The site includes art, videos, and 3D images purchasable using Ethereum. SuperRare also recently announced its own token based on the Ethereum blockchain which will be used to find new talent for the marketplace. SuperRare works similarly to Rarible where users buy and sell NFTs on OpenSea. There is a 3% fee for every purchase transaction. The first time an NFT is sold on the primary market SuperRare charge 15% to the seller. Perfect nft marketplace if you are looking for high end, classical style nft art.

zora nft marketplace


Zora is an open platform that facilitates the buying and selling of a range of NFTs, including art, music, and media.

It operates as a media registry protocol that allows creators to publish their works while earning money from sales proceeds. 

Zora promotes “Collective Creation” which gives creators more ownership rights over their work and ensures they get compensated for it. 

The platform offers perpetual bids so users can place bids on any currency; it also has zero-fee protocol when listing or selling NFTs on the site.  

Instead of creating artificial scarcity by selling copies of digital goods, Zora encourages one original work to be openly accessible with token resold multiple times where artists earn from each sale if popularized in the market.

Institut nft marketplace


Institut is a premier NFT platform that has an “art-first” perspective. 

It seeks to bridge the gap between traditional and digital art communities by providing a curated online contemporary art gallery for NFTs.

The platform features international artists such as Adrian Schachter, Betty Leung, and HUSH. 

Institut can mint NFTs on behalf of artists while also allowing enthusiasts to purchase them via live auctions or fixed-price sales using their email addresses and credit cards without needing Metamask wallets due to its hybrid system which eliminates gas fees. 

Artists receive 85% cut of primary sales plus up 10% for secondary sales from purchases made through Institut’s marketplace.

magic eden nft marketplace

Magic Eden

Magic Eden is a web3-first NFT marketplace with over 7,000 collections and a secondary trading volume of $1.6 billion. 

It supports game creators by launching the Eden Games hub for NFT games on Solana blockchain, as well as offering partnership and whitelabel marketplaces to create their own marketplaces. 

Magic Eden has its Launchpad platform that provides hassle-free minting with dedicated development support in four simple steps: visit the launchpad; connect your Solana wallet; wait for the public or presale mint countdown; start minting after countdown.  

Artists can also opt to have their own website on Magic Eden’s platform where they can join a collection’s Discord server to know more about it. 

As it is built on Solana blockchain, users are only allowed to use wallets like Phantom wallet when using this service

foundation nft marketplace

Foundation is a digital art marketplace that uses Ethereum to facilitate sales. 

Since its launch in early 2021, it has sold more than $100 million of NFTs. 

Artists are invited by the Foundation community and buyers need an Ethereum-funded crypto wallet to start making purchases.  

While not ideal for creating one’s own NFTs, the platform provides plenty of artwork in a simple format for perusal and purchase purposes.

Mintable nft marketplace


Mintable, backed by billionaire Mark Cuban, is an open marketplace similar to OpenSea. 

To participate in buying and selling NFTs on Mintable, users need Ethereum which can be purchased from a crypto exchange. 

The platform supports minting of NFTs for creators of all types (from photographers to musicians) who want to sell their work as a digital asset.

Theta Drop

Theta is a blockchain platform built for the decentralized distribution of video and TV on the internet. The NFT marketplace Theta Drop made its debut in 2021 with the World Poker Tour’s digital collectibles. The World Poker Tour was an early adopter of ThetaTV and uses the platform to stream content.

Theta utilizes its own blockchain technology. To participate in the Theta Drop NFT marketplace, you’ll need to purchase Theta Token (CRYPTO:THETA). Various crypto exchanges such as Binance support Theta, and the tokens and NFTs purchased with them can be stored in a crypto wallet, as well as in Theta’s own crypto wallet app.  

coinbase nft marketplace

Coinbase NFT

Coinbase NFT marketplace has recently launched in April, offering a secure and easy-to-use platform. 

It is connected to the Coinbase trading app and crypto wallet for convenience. 

The user experience on the site is robust, with exclusive projects such as Bored Ape Yacht Club film trilogy launching on it. New users can enjoy 0% transaction fees for a limited time only when they visit the Coinbase NFT marketplace.

makersplace nft marketplace


MakersPlace is an NFT marketplace for serious art, featuring established artists such as Damien Hirst and Robert Liefeld. Artworks on MakersPlace are digitally signed by the artist and recorded on the blockchain. 

Only a limited number of authentic editions are minted creating scarcity, with buyers receiving full ownership of their artwork.

Nifty-Gateway nft marketplace

Nifty Gateway

Nifty Gateway is an NFT marketplace that focuses on artwork from celebrities and top digital artists. It made headlines back in late 2019 when it was acquired by Gemini, which is run by the Winklevoss twins. 

This NFT platform is also known for hosting expensive and exclusive NFT sales, including digital artist Pak’s “The Merge” which sold for $91.8 million. 

To boost demand, Nifty Gateway uses an “open editions” system where new types of NFTs can only be bought for a limited time period. 

Purchases can be made with credit cards so this could be the way to go if someone wants to make large investments in NFTs while accessing higher-end options too.

NBA Top Shot nft marketplace

NBA Top Shot

The NBA Top Shot marketplace allows basketball fans to buy Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) of iconic moments in the sport’s history.

The NFTs available range from video clips and play highlights, to art for both the NBA and WNBA. Some Moments can be quite expensive; a LeBron James slam dunk video sold for $208,000 in February 2021. 

The marketplace is managed by the NBA with exclusive rights to these videos and users have access to purchase Moment NFTs using credit/debit cards or select cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum etc., while fees are added on top of any purchases made. 

Other major companies getting into this trend include DraftKings Marketplace, Associated Press’ NFT Marketplace and GameStop who plan on launching their own version later this year.

Of course, the best way to buy an NFT is still through traditional online stores or marketplaces. Some of the most popular stores and marketplaces include SuperRare, Foundation, Makersplace, and Opensea. Each of these platforms has its own unique features and allows users to find the exact item they are looking for. Many also allow users to purchase NFTs with fiat currency or cryptocurrency, making it even easier to get started in the world of NFTs.


In conclusion, the best NFT Marketplace for you will depend on what type of digital asset you are looking to buy or sell. OpenSea is a great option for those just starting out in the world of digital assets, as it offers a secure and user-friendly interface for buying and selling items. For more specific types of media, like art, music, and gaming items, then there are plenty of specialized marketplaces available. Finally, don’t forget to check out traditional online stores and exchanges if you want to make a purchase with either fiat currency or cryptocurrency. No matter which platform you choose, getting started in the world of NFTs is easier than ever before!

The best NFT marketplaces: FAQ

How Do NFT Marketplaces Work?

Non-fungible token (NFT) marketplaces are an important part of the rapidly-evolving digital economy. These platforms use blockchain technology to facilitate the trade and sale of unique digital assets such as collectables, artwork, video game items, music and more. Through NFT marketplaces, users can purchase and sell these digital tokens, allowing them to establish ownership over their assets. In addition to offering advanced security features, nft marketplaces also provide a wide range of customization options for buying and selling. Buyers have the opportunity to securely browse listings that fit their interests, as well as manage price negotiations with sellers through secure messaging without needing to transfer funds. Thanks to nft marketplaces, those who wish to invest in distinctive digital assets now have a platform where they can do so with confidence and ease.

What Is Minting?

Minting is the process of creating a non-fungible token (NFT). It is primarily used to authenticate digital works and issue ownership certificates based on blockchain technology. NFT minting allows users to store digital assets like art, music, or videos in a secure and immutable location. By minting these digital assets, it provides a way for creators to monetize their work on the blockchain without compromising their rights. Additionally, minting helps enhance the scarcity and value of unique digital items that can be safely traded between collectors. All of these benefits offered by minting make it an important concept in the modern technological landscape.

What are Gas Fees?

The Ethereum blockchain requires a fee to perform functions, including the creation of an NFT.
The fees are measured in gwei and can vary depending on network usage. 
On average a gas fee of 0.0042 ETH is charged per transaction. 
Lower fees may be found between 1am and 3am (UTC) or 9pm and 11 pm (UTC).

Can I avoid gas fees?

Before minting or buying an NFT, it is important to look into associated fees and which blockchain/token is being used.
NFT marketplaces such as OpenSea and Rarible are offering gas-free minting, where the buyer pays for the gas fee instead of the creator. 
Blockchains with no or lower fees include Polygon on Opensea and ImmutableX on Mintable. 

What’s a blockchain?

Blockchain is a distributed database that is shared among nodes of a computer network. It provides security and trust without needing a third-party, resulting in faster data transactions.
Data entered into the blockchain is irreversible, guaranteeing its permanence. This ensures artists can trace their NFTs and receive royalties from future sales.

Do I need a crypto wallet?

Most NFT purchases require payment in cryptocurrency, so users need to use a crypto wallet such as MetaMask or Coinbase. 
Some newer NFT marketplaces allow payments with Fiat currency (e.g., US dollars) via credit and debit cards, making access easier.

Can anything be an NFT?

Yes, NFTs can store any kind of digital file. Most nft marketplaces are increasingly supporting NFTs for video, game assets and music. 
Physical items such as limited edition Nike trainers are now being digitised as NFTs too. In the future, expect to see a combination of both physical and digital NFT assets.

Are NFTs controversial?

It is a fact that Ethereum minting has a high carbon footprint, though not as high as some may think. Everyone acknowledges this is an issue with the current system. Ethereum 2.0 is being developed and should be released 2023 to address the problem of NFTs environmental impact.

Are there any energy-efficient blockchains?

NFT marketplaces are now offering alternatives to energy-hungry Ethereum, such as Flow, Tezos and Polygon.
Look for nft platforms that accept the block chain Solana, it claims to be carbon-neutral. 
Users should check their NFT marketplace for which type of blockchain it uses and opt for one that most suits their conscience.

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